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Segmenting Email Subscriber List

Project Overview

I recently completed a project as the digital marketing coordinator for Clean and Bright Skincare. The objective was to create three list segments using Constant Contact, a powerful online marketing tool, based on demographics, geography, and interests. This allowed subscribers to receive targeted and relevant content from Clean and Bright Skincare. Through this project, a list of recent Clean and Bright Skincare subscribers was uploaded to Constant Contact, providing the foundation for the three email marketing campaigns.

Project Execution and Results

I successfully executed a project by creating a new Constant Contact account and uploading a list of contacts from a spreadsheet. I then created a custom field for Age Range and renamed the list. I then further segmented the list by creating three distinct segments based on the details of the upcoming campaigns. The first segment targeted people living in the arid, desert climates of the Southwest United States, the second segment targeted those between the ages of 3655, and the third segment targeted those with birthdays in April.

As a result, I was able to successfully segment the email subscriber list and prepare for targeted email marketing campaigns.

  • Clients:
    Clean & Bright Skincare
  • Category:
    Email Marketing
  • Date: